Friday Rex | May 30, 2014

Welcome back. It’s time to catch up on this week’s Friday reads.

New Typo’s out. Here’s Carrie Olivia Adams with work from DAUGHTER OF A TREE FARM. Also, here is Gale Marie Thompson with AMELIA EARHART DAY BEACON.

Sink Review’s new issue features a ton of Sundog favorites, including Carleen Tibbetts, Laura Eve Engel, and some sonnets after Ted Berrigan by Bruce Covey. Here is the first.

Barrelhouse has a new online issue out that focuses on 1980s wrestling. Here’s Todd Kaneko’s The Order of Elimination: Lessons Learned from the 1988 WWF Royal Rumble Match.

Joseph Dante’s (GAMES issue contributorYEAR OF THE QUEERLING is over at Metazen.

Justin Carter has a story about NASCAR over at Booth – THE LOVE SONG OF DALE EARNHARDT.

Short roundup this week. There’s great stuff here. See you soon.